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About me

- Arno den Toom
- Area Alkmaar, Netherlands
- Wageningen UR Plant Biotechnology
- +31 (0) 6 215 137 99
Pro-active, hardworking, passionate, and assertive person who is organised and keeps on track of the work required to fulfil the goals, which have been set by the company. With his intelligence and high ability of conceptual thinking, he not only goes beyond his own work and is always prepared to support and educate others. Part of cross-disciplinary team (R&D, Operations, and Supply Chain, and third parties) has given him a broad based knowledge and competencies; quality assurance, technology development, business intelligence, project management, and various process controls & optimisations.
For full detailed information see this link.
Syngenta Seeds B.V. – Andijk / Enkhuizen, the Netherlands
R&D Staff member, ensuring product quality conforms to and above expectations through interdisciplinary and cross-departmental management.
Plant Research International & Wageningen University ad Research Centre
Successfully investigated the effects of salinity on the growth behaviour of C. quinoa and generated prospective breeding targets.
- Led bachelor students with their internship on the progressive effects of saline soil on the germination of quinoa seedlings and successfully coordinated a team of five for greenhouse management
- Actively participated in colloquia for the latest developed and techniques in plant breeding
- Designed an agricultural model to simulate the yield of quinoa on saline inflicted land
- Co-authored scientific journal: Differential responses to salt stress in ion dynamics, growth and seed yield of European quinoa varieties (Jaramillo Roman et al., 2020)
European Space Agency – European Space Research and Technology Centre (MoU)
Validated a novel / paradigm partial gravity simulator through the research into the progressive effects of micro-, partial-, and hyper gravity on Arabidopsis germination. New methodologies were designed and tested to investigate the root curvature of flax. Position at the Dutch Experiment Support Center (VU University Amsterdam) which granted a Memorandum of Understanding at the European Space Agency – European Space Research and Technology Centre.
- Investigated, designed, and wrote research proposals for simulated plant growth on off-world (space) stations
- Coordinated with international teams at various institutes researching the progressive effects of micro, partial, and hyper gravity on plant growth
- Presented the above stated research at the International Low Gravity Space Symposium in Corfu (Greece)
- Co-authored scientific journal: Novel, Moon and Mars, partial gravity simulation paradigms and their effects on the balance between cell growth and cell proliferation during early plant development (Manzano et al., 2018)
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research TEXEL, the Netherlands
Supported administration, construction and analyses of a specialized CO2 compartments, conducted research, and supported sea travel missions.
- Successfully conducted research into the progressive effects of dissolved CO2 on diatom growth and viral infection rate
- Designed new climate control set-ups for increased light efficiencies and reduction of material (Bioreactors)
- Designed and implemented new storage and cataloguing systems for chemicals and just in time protocols (JIT)
Contact info
- Address: Broek op Langedijk
- Phone: +31 (0) 6 215 137 99
- Web: http://dentoom.org